Help and support is not only available from the Practice team, but also many external healthcare, social care, self-help and healthy living organisations in our area.
Accessible Information Standard
The standard aims to make sure our patients, or their carers, with a disability, sensory loss or impairment are provided with information they can easily read or understand with support, for example large print, so they can communicate effectively with health and social care services. If you have any information or communication support needs relating to a disability, impairment or sensory loss please let us know
Healthier Together
The Healthier Together Website provides advice for parents, guardians, young people and pregnant women with the aim of ensuring that you and your child is likely to receive consistently high-quality care, irrespective of which healthcare professional they see. Click here for further information
Using Online Service
If you need assistance and guidance when using GP online services, NHS England can provide support guides that you may find useful: NHS England » Patient information guides
Waiting Lists
If you find yourself on a hospital; waiting list for a service, you may be interested to know that there are a range of local services that will optimise the time you are waiting for treatment, with the aim of you attending your next appointment in the best possible physical and mental health. Visit the Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Integrated Care Service for further information: Waiting Well | CPICS Website